#KeepItOn: Signal jamming and the myth of public security

The Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) expresses grave concern over the decision of Philippine authorities to shut down cell sites during huge festivities. The organization calls for transparency regarding the guidelines used by authorities before resorting to signal jamming. As advocates of human rights and communication rights, FMA believes that Read more…


This day in #Herstory: The emerging forms of violence against women in the Philippines

These materials were produced by the Foundation for Media Alternatives from the Philippines as part of APC’s MDG3: Take Back the Tech! to end violence against women project. Attached below you can find useful materials for awareness raising and training on the subject of violence against women perpetrated through information and Read more…


This day in #Herstory: The legacy of Leticia Ramos-Shahani

Since the beginning of Philippine democracy, few legislators have had as much impact on the women’s rights movement as Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani. After earning literature degrees from Wellesley College, Columbia University, and the University of Paris, Senator Shahani joined the Division of Human Rights at the United Nations. She became Read more…
