On Digital Connectivity, AI, and Cybersecurity: The FMA Digital Rights Round-up (April 1-30, 2024)

NPC ISSUES NEW ORDERS ON DATA PROTECTION The National Privacy Commission (NPC) has issued guidelines creating a system that will govern the issuance of the Philippine Privacy Mark (PPM) certificates on public and private organizations and companies that handle and control personal data of Filipino subjects. PBBM SEEKS BEEFED-UP EFFORTS Read more…

On the 30th PH Internet Anniversary, AI, and Online Gender-Based Violence: The FMA Digital Rights Round-up (March 1-31, 2024)

MICROSOFT TO TRAIN PHILIPPINE WOMEN IN AI, CYBERSECURITY The women will use an online platform to learn how to use Microsoft’s AI tools, including ones powered by OpenAI’s large language models, in order to gain workplace skills and to be able to recognize cybersecurity threats. TESDA,EDUCATION FIRM PARTNER TO OFFER Read more…

On cybercrime, disinformation, and Internet access: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (December 1-31, 2023)

BIZ BUZZ: NPC READIES CHARGES VS PHILHEALTH OFFICIALS FOR DATA LEAK The government’s data privacy watchdog has apparently seen merit in sanctioning the highest officials of Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) for the data leak back in October that involved over 180 million records of personal data of its members. Read more…

On VAW, cybersecurity, and digital technology: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (November 1-30, 2023)

MARCOS TO INVESTORS: PHILIPPINES READY FOR AI The Philippines is ready for artificial intelligence (AI), President Marcos said yesterday, as he assured investors that efforts are underway to use the technology to boost the skills of workers and the competitiveness of businesses. DOH VERIFYING ALLEGED COVID-19 LEAKED DATA The Department Read more…

On cybersecurity, AI, and internet freedom: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (October 1- 31, 2023)

PHILHEALTH NEGLIGENCE EYED IN DATA BREACH The National Privacy Commission (NPC) is investigating if there was negligence in the handling of personal information and security committed by Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) regarding a recent ransomware attack. PHILHEALTH: 13 MILLION MEMBERS AFFECTED BY DATA BREACH “It is really in the Read more…

On media killings and digital safety: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (October 15 to November 15, 2022)

VIETNAM, THAILAND LEAD IN ASEAN MOBILE EXPERIENCE WHILE PH LAGS: REPORT The Philippines ranked at the bottom in five measures and second to last in a further two categories. Vietnam’s Download Speed Experience score was 9.5 Mbps (57.1%) faster than the Philippines. Read more here. ROMUALDEZ ASSURES SWIFT PASSAGE OF Read more…

On cybercrime, security, and SIM card registration: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (September 1-15, 2022)

SECURITY EXPERT LAUNCHES UNIFIED CYBERSECURITY PLATFORM CHALLENGES TIn a recent press briefing, Ian Felipe, Trend Micro Philippines country manager, told journalists that local organizations have to act fast because they were identified in Trend Micro’s 2021 Annual Cybersecurity Report as some of the most vulnerable in the region. Read more Read more…