The Foundation for Media Alternatives conducted an online survey as part of a study for the Initiative for Media Freedom project. The purpose of this study is to shed light on the youths’ understanding of issues related to disinformation including how they come across it, its impact and their insights on the mitigating strategies that should be taken to address the problem. FMA also conducted a series of focus group discussions (FGDs) as part of the research project to expound on the survey results and get additional inputs for the research project. The objectives of the research project are:
- To understand the youth and young professionals’ behavior in consuming news and/or information online.
- To know the youth and young professionals’ insights on the relevance of the issue of disinformation.
- To know the youth and young professionals’ insight on the different efforts aimed to fight disinformation.
The survey report consolidates and analyzes the responses and the information in order to understand how the youth perceives disinformation and misinformation, how to better fight or curb the spread, and also recommendations on further research studies.
Publication date: January 2021