[Joint Statement] Gaza: Restore telecoms and internet connectivity now

Originally posted here -https://www.article19.org/resources/gaza-restore-telecoms-and-internet-connectivity-now/ ARTICLE 19, the MENA Alliance for Digital Rights and dozens of other civil society organisations condemn, in the strongest terms, Israel’s targeting of the means of communication and access to information in Gaza. We are deeply alarmed by Israel’s cutting off of civilian telecommunication infrastructure, internet, electricity, mainstream media, journalists, and […]

GenderScoop: July is National Anti-Trafficking in Persons Awareness Month

The campaign for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2023 aims to raise awareness of disturbing developments and trends identified by UNODC and calls on governments, law enforcement, public services, and civil society to assess and enhance their efforts to strengthen prevention, identify and support victims, and end impunity. In 2021, President Rodrigo […]

2022 Narrative Report

As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly abated in 2022, the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) was able to engage in meetings, events and activities both in the country and abroad. Such active participation provided the organization, along with its partners, to collaborate and support each other’s campaigns. Driven by its mission […]

GenderScoop: UN Podcast’s Uniting Against Hate, CHR vows to pursue case vs ‘TNVS driver’ Harassment, Case Dismissal of NPC vs. Dado on FB’s Cambridge Analytica Issue

JANUARY 2023 GenderScoop is a monthly digest on gender & ICT in the Philippines The Women and ICT Development Index (WIDI) survey, which surveyed 26,719 households in the country, showed 84.9% of women and girls aged 15 years and over were mainly using their smartphones as information communication technology (ICT) […]