GenderScoop: Soaring Numbers of OGBV, Policy Development in Gender and ICT, Liability of Internet Intermediaries in the Protection of Women’s Rights and Automation and Digitization Efforts to Bridge Gender Digital Divide

GenderScoop is a monthly digest on gender & ICT in the Philippines July 2022: Soaring Numbers of OGBV, Policy Development in Gender and ICT, Liability of Internet Intermediaries in the Protection of Women’s Rights and Automation and Digitization Efforts to Bridge Gender Digital Divide What we gather this month: Instances Read more…

On initiatives against cybercrime, disinformation, and building hybrid online learning: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (July 1-15, 2022)

FAKE JOB TEXT SCAMS LIKELY TO PERSIST AS JOBLESSNESS WORSENS Rising indices of Cybercriminals using text messages to trick mobile phone users into visiting malicious websites to obtain their personal information, including banking information, credit cards, and addresses. Authorities have attributed the cause of these incidents to rising unemployment. According Read more…

Celebrating National ICT Month with Filipina artist Christa Vega

Last month, the Foundation for Media Alternatives observed the National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) month. As part of our commitment to advancing the people’s right to privacy, intern Victoria Champagne from the Alternatives spoke with Filipina visual artist Christa Vega (ART by slothbender), who challenges the default sexualization of Read more…

On digital transactions, online investment scams, policy and reforms in the digital sector: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (16-30, 2022)

SC: PHOTOS, MESSAGES FROM FB MESSENGER ADMISSIBLE AS EVIDENCE The Supreme Court (SC) has ruled that photos and messages obtained by private individuals from a Facebook messenger account are admissible as evidence in court. The ruling was based on a 31-page decision by Justice Jhosep Y. Lopez after the conviction Read more…

GenderScoop: Online Gender-based Violence, the Role of Internet Intermediaries and Initiatives to address Gender Digital Divide

What’s the scoop this month on gender and ICT in the Philippines? We continue to see manifestations of gender-based violence online, policy development on gender, role of internet intermediaries and some initiatives to address gender digital divide.

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Understanding Hate and Hate Speech: The Philippine Context

In the Philippines, there is no legislation on hate speech, although it has laws on libel and defamation. Recently though, a bill emanating from the Lower House was filed that aims to define, prohibit and penalize hate speech in the country. The bill was filed by Muslim representatives in congress as a result of the violent incidents that occurred in Christ-church and El Paso that killed individuals due to racist and anti-immigration sentiments.

On internet infrastructure, cybersecurity and the fight against disinformation disorder: The FMA Digital Rights Roundup (June 1-15, 2022)

STARLINK SET TO DELIVER BREAKTHROUGH INTERNET SERVICES TO PH SOON The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) speedily approved SpaceX-Starlink’s requirements that will allow the country to enjoy breakthrough internet services through the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network constellation consisting of over 1,600 satellites. Starlink promises to deliver Read more…

GenderScoop: Reaching for inclusivity, leveraging platforms for empowerment and fight vs. disinformation

GenderScoop is a monthly digest on gender & ICT in the Philippines May 2022 scoop: Reaching for inclusivity, leveraging platforms for empowerment and fight vs. disinformation What we gather this month: Manifestations of gender-based violence (OGBV) offline and online. Reports of various forms of gender-based violence continued. How responsive are laws in the Read more…