Gender & ICT Resources

We want to provide valuable resources for you to have deeper understanding on women, gender diverse people and issues related to technology in the Philippine context. Briefing Papers: Research: Prevalence of Online Gender-based violence in the Philippines: Gendered Disinformation in the Philippines: 1. Gendered Disinformation: Attacking Women for Being Female, Online, and Politically […]


By Philip Arnold  Tuaño, Christina Lopez and Kenneth Reyes[1] I. Introduction The Open e-Governance Index (OeGI) is an action-research project that aims to develop a quantitative tool to gauge the state of e-governance around the world. It builds on an earlier effort by the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) to […]

What is the Open eGovernance Index (OeGI)?

The Open eGovernance Index (OeGI) is an action-research project that aims to develop a quantitative tool to gauge the state of eGovernance around the world. It builds on an earlier effort by the Foundation for Media Alternatives to develop and popularize an “Open eGovernance Index” which hopes to be a […]

#SIF17: Rethinking Access and Power

More than 500 policymakers, civil society representatives, activists, business representatives, and technical community representatives from all over the world attended the Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) last 15-18  May 2017. Some of the attendees had participated in the first three SIFs, but many were also first-time participants, myself included. The Forum […]


PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS FMA works on issues of gender and ICT, privacy and data protection, and internet rights, including freedom of expression online