#SIF17: Rethinking Access and Power

More than 500 policymakers, civil society representatives, activists, business representatives, and technical community representatives from all over the world attended the Stockholm Internet Forum (SIF) last 15-18  May 2017. Some of the attendees had participated in the first three SIFs, but many were also first-time participants, myself included. The Forum […]


PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS FMA works on issues of gender and ICT, privacy and data protection, and internet rights, including freedom of expression online

Gender and ICT

The Gender and ICT Program focuses on the intersection between ICT and gender rights and issues, including women’s use and access of ICTs and tech-related gender-based violence. Feminist Principles of the Internet (FPI) The Feminist Principles of the Internet (FPI) are a set of statements that  provide a framework for women’s […]

Commentary: The IRR of RA 10175

In stark contrast to the passage of its parent Statute, the recent issuance of the Cybercrime Protection Act’s (RA 10175) Implementing Rules and Regulations came about with little to no hostility and controversy involved. The three government agencies charged with crafting its watered-down provisions—the DILG, DOJ, and DOST—met for a […]


The Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) is registered as a non-stock, non-profit organization with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines. It assists citizens and communities – especially civil society organizations (CSOs) and other disadvantaged sectors – in the strategic and appropriate use of information and communications technologies […]


Philip Arnold Tuaño President Randy Tuano is a board member of the Foundation for Media Alternatives. He has been involved with several research projects at the FMA, including the analysis of the state of communication rights and digital divide in the country, the development of the Open eGovernance Index, and […]