On Women’s Day, FMA calls for better policies for women and girls online

This International Working Women’s Day, the Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA) celebrates the rich history and victories of women’s ongoing campaign for equal rights. Tracing its origins to the suffrage movement in 1848, women worldwide have shown how our fundamental freedoms can be won through collective action and constant struggle. Read more…

CEDAW Shadow Report: Duterte-Marcos Legacy to Marginalized Women (2023)

The CEDAW Shadow Report: Duterte-Marcos Legacy to Marginalized Women (2023) highlights the experiences of women in the marginalized sectors–women with disability, women living with HIV/AIDS, women migrant workers, indigenous people (IP) women, and lesbian, bisexual, and transgender women (LBT) women–under the authoritarian regime where sexism, gender biases, gendered disinformation and Read more…

CEDAW Shadow Report: Voices, Choices, Participation and Access to Justice: Weaving the Girl Child’s Experience (2023)

The CEDAW Shadow Report: Voices, Choices, Participation and Access to Justice: Weaving the Girl Child’s Experience (2023) highlights the experiences of marginalized girls–indigenous girls, girls with disabilities, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) girls and girls from rural communities–under a continuum of gender-based violence and discrimination, leading to girls’ experiences of Read more…

[September 2023] FMA celebrates International Literacy Day, hopes for better digital literacy education among youth

FMA in the News! FMA releases the Digital Rights Report 2022 This edition of the Digital Rights Report from the Foundation for Media Alternatives documented the events, trends, and changes that had transpired in the digital space over the course of 2022. Building on the previous annual reports, this paper aims to offer a Read more…